I know you want to raise your kids to be kind, caring & confident. Thats what makes you such an awesome parent! Read till the end... I have a FREEBIE just for you!
Here are my 3 biggest secrets to boosting your child's self confidence :
(The BEST part? These hacks can be used for BIG kids as well as little kids -and even adults!-
What's not to love?!)

#1 Display their Photos
Did you know that having photography displayed boosts self-confidence in kids? When you display family photographs, they feel a sense of belonging - this is their safe place. Having photographs of your kids displayed big on your walls makes them feel loved, wanted & confident to be themselves.
I love photographing children just as they are, capturing their personalities- funny, silly faces are my favourite!
Artwork of your family laughing, tickling, having fun is what I encourage - never posed & serious. These fun & happy memories are just what you need to get you through the bad times.
I have personally experienced the healing power of family photographs & will share that in another post soon.

#2 Display their Art
This includes their drawings, scribbles, letters & cards. Now, Im not telling you to display EVERYTHING. Just a few of your favourites (or their favourites).
I have four children between the ages of 1-7 and each one has different capabilities. My older two kiddos choose which pieces of art go up on the walls and which go into their art folder. They're allowed a couple of pieces in the living/dining/kitchen and one each in their bedroom.
Displaying their art acknowledges their talent, their effort, creativity and lets them know that you are proud of them. This in turn, helps them become more confident.

#3 Practice Daily Affirmations
Want to stop the whining and complaining? Affirmations is my go-to hack for that. Every time I find my kids getting cranky and whiny, we practice affirmations together- usually at breakfast time.
If you've never done it before, it will feel odd the first couple of days, but it makes SUCH a difference, I promise you!
Starting with the adults (coz we need to set the good example here), we all take turns saying 3 affirmations-
"I am creative, I am strong, I am beautiful...." & end the sentence with-
"... and I feel GREAT today!!"
-with was much enthusiasm as possible.
... and a FREEBIE just for you!
Stuck for ideas on what to say for affirmations? I have a set of FREE printable posters that you can print & stick around your house - in the kids bedroom, kitchen, bathroom mirror... Heck! They're so cute that you'd wanna put them in your room too!
Click on the link below so you can get started with affirmations today!
Here's to raising confident kids!
Until next time,